2018 Cottonwood Restoration Project

The sixth-annual cottonwood restoration project was a success. Our cooperated project was started to combat the loss of cottonwood trees within the monument’s ecosystem. Cottonwoods are a keystone species in the Breaks; however, in the past 50 years the rate of cottonwood regeneration has slowed, largely due to a lack of natural flooding events in the […]

Protect Our Public Lands

Four days ago, Representative Gianforte proposed two bills that would leave 700,000 acres of public lands open to energy resource development, logging, and motorized travel.  Not only is the initiative itself problematic, but the process has been troublesome and secretive. Rep. Gianforte did not hold any public meetings prior to introducing this new piece of legislation, and […]

An Attack on One Monument is an Attack on all Monuments

Today a long anticipated attack on public lands took place. Two of our nation’s treasures were thrust onto the chopping block with a terrible outcome. Bears Ears and Grand Staircase Escalante National Monuments were dissolved with three monuments a fraction of the size left in the wake of this egregious attack. The Monument Review has […]